These functions all exist in the Arduino environment as well as the SFB environment, so they will be familiar to Arduino users.
The SFB versions of these function have very similar behaviors to their Arduino namesakes, although there are some necessary differences to accomodate the additional features (e.g., packet handling) provided by the SFB core software.
- delay Pass some time -- for example, between turning-on and turning-off an LED, so that the light can be seen. When delay is called from a sketch loop method, it allows packet and alarm handlers to be invoked.
- delayMicroseconds Really waste some time -- with interrupts disabled and nothing else happening.
- digitalRead Read the state of a digital pin
- digitalWrite Write the state of a digital output pin
- pinMode Set a digital pin's 'mode' to INPUT or OUTPUT (or, as SFB-extensions, to "REFLEX_MODE" or "HW_MODE").
- millis Access the number of milliseconds (thousands of a second) of uptime.
- micros Access the number of microseconds (millionths of a second) of uptime
- randomSeed(u32 seed)
- random(u32 max)
- random(int min, int max)